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Mendeley and Me: Organizing your citations

Mendeley and Me: Organizing your citations

Do you find yourself having difficulty keeping track of all of your citations for your assignments?. Do you wonder if there is an effective way to keep everything organized in one central location? This workshop will introduce you to Mendeley, a citation manager that can help you organize sources used for your assignments.

You will learn:

+What Mendeley is

+How to organize and manage your sources

+How to use Mendeley's features

If you are able, please bring your laptop/tablet/etc. so that you can try out the software on your own. The HSU Library has laptops available to borrow from the circulation desk.

Thursday, January 26, 2017
4:00pm - 4:50pm
Library 114
Garrett Purchio, gap13@humboldt.edu, 826-3259
Academic Growth
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Garrett Purchio
Profile photo of Cal Poly Humboldt Library
Cal Poly Humboldt Library